Orum is thrilled to announce Deliver, our unique money movement solution that optimizes for speed and efficiency — with a new direct connection to the Federal Reserve’s payment rails as a service provider.

With this exciting direct connection, Orum’s new Deliver API moves money even faster and more reliably than ever before — eliminating costly downtime and complex technical issues with other platforms’ solutions.

What does this mean for you? 

Bank-rate Pricing

As a service provider, we've built a direct connection to The Federal Reserve’s payment rails and are live with FedACH — allowing us to bring customers both exceptional speed and pricing advantages. 

Payments Optimization Across All Major Rails

Our unified API  solution also provides access to FedNow, RTP, Same Day ACH, ACH, and Wires — orchestrating payments to be fast and efficient. 

Expanded Processing Windows

We leverage more processing windows to ensure payment speed and certainty.

Easy Set-Up

Our customers go live in 2 weeks or less. We handle all the complexity — helping you save the 2 years and $2 million it typically costs for a bank integration. 

Orum can get you up and running quickly with our unified payments solution,  as well as our innovative, first-of-its-kind instant bank account verification.

Orum’s Deliver API vs. Other Platforms

Clearing the bar for a direct connection to the Federal Reserve for payment processing and settlement on behalf of depository institutions is exceptionally difficult. Meeting the criteria for direct access requires organizations to meet and exceed the Federal Reserve’s rigorous diligence, contracting and IT testing requirements, as well as those of sponsoring financial institutions. 

Many payments platforms and fintechs cannot gain access to all the possible payment rails while also requiring them to navigate technical issues and frequent downtime depending on their banking partner. According to the Ponemon Institute, downtime can cost businesses as much as $500,000 per hour.

We’re thrilled to be among a small number of fintechs capable of supporting a depository institution's live transaction activity through the Federal Reserve’s payment rails as a bank service provider.

Stephany Kirkpatrick, Founder & CEO

Modern companies can’t afford to slow down and shouldn’t have to. Orum is dedicated to solving the time-to-money problem, and this singular focus is reflected in all we do. For example: The launch of the Deliver API comes just months after we introduced Verify, a first-of-its-kind solution that instantly verifies bank accounts. The Verify API is built on FedNow and RTP and covers 100% of all U.S. bank accounts, replacing traditional offerings that rely on antiquated microdeposits, batched data, and flawed probabilistic scoring.

Deliver Instant Payments In 4 Easy Steps 

Four easy steps to implement Orum’s Deliver API:

  • Step 1: Introduction to Orum. We’ll kick off by chatting about your payment needs, discussing how the Deliver API fits within the Orum platform, and sharing how we can help your business achieve its goals.
  • Step 2: Technical review. We’ll complete a review of our API documentation and your business’s flow of funds. You’ll also receive access to a sandbox environment for testing..
  • Step 3: Compliance review. We’ll work with you on KYC/KYB compliance.
  • Step 4. Go live! You’ll be up and running fast with the Deliver API and connected with our customer success and delivery team.

Orum customers enjoy informed partner support each step of the way. We’re backed by the most reputable payments experts, top-tier banks, and investors — all to ensure delivery of every transaction 24/7.

Ready to learn more?

Get in touch with Orum today. We’ll help you deliver instant payments and instant bank account verification in just days, without costly bank integrations or prolonged compliance. 

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